Friday 24 July 2020

The Incredible scientist: Thomas Alva Edison

        Incredible genius: Thomas Alva Edison

                Name: Thomas Alva Edison
                Birthday: February 11, 1847
                Death: October 18 ,1931
                Country:US( United States)

  Field: electrical

Award: Franklin medal

               The wizard of Menlo park-nicknamed1 Thomas Alva Edison was born in 1847. Excelled as both scientist and inventor. Edison patented a whopping total of 1093 invention in his lifetime. Most of the invention that came from Edison are batteries, phonographs ,cement, mining ,telegraph ,lights and powers.

            He also improved the telephone made by Graham Bell and invented the kinetoscope that was used for viewing moving film. He was seen working almost more than 20 hours  a day. Edison masterminded the digital voting system with his electrographic vote recorder for the legislative of  the parliament. He also proposed Idea on preserving fruit by keeping it in vacuum. Edison pioneered the idea for storage batteries that was later used by Henry Ford in his automobile. " genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration" is one of the famous quote by this genius. He died in the year 1931.

Book: the story of Thomas Alva Edison(scholastic  biography)

Invention: incandescent light bulb, film, movie camera,1 electric pen, vitascope, carbon microphone, vacuum diode, radiometer,kinetoscope etc

The Rare scientist: Albert Einstein

         The Rare genius: Albert Einstein

                   Name: Albert Einstein
                   Birthday:14 March  1879
                   Death:18 April 1955
                   Country:US( United States)

 Field: physics

Award: Nobel Prize in physics.

              Born on 1879 in ulm, Einstein is considered as one of the greatest Revolutionary scientist ,the world has ever known.

            The "man of century"as some spectacular work in physics which even makes him the father of modern physics for his contribution in developing the general theory of relativity.

The world famous equation E=mc² on which the bomb is based come from his theory. One of the greatest scientist of the 20th century, Einstein's Special theory of relativity revolutionized physics which even challenged the scientist at CERN.

Albert Einstein's genius mind for the scientific advancement cause  immeasurable change in world. Together with his intellect, he was also celebrity with his flirtatious behaviour could impress any woman.

This Rare genius award Nobel Prize in 1921"for his theoretical physics and for his discovery of the photoelectric effect".

The greatest physicist ever voted .Einstein died in 1955 in Princeton.

                     1.Gas absorption heat pump
                     2.Einstein refrigerator

           Quotable Einstein , world as I see it , relativity: the special and general relativity.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Money is Basic of our life

                "Money makes many thing" 

We want money for everything like fullfill our basicneeds ,to study and consume medicine etc.

As time goes on, the importance and the value of money will increase. Today money influence everything,

                 "Knowledge is used to earn money"

We have no money ,the value of a talent is zero. So, we want to make money in good manner.

Time ,opportunity, hard work is important to make money.
Money give self-confidence, brave ,freedom to us.

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Jee main 41 year chapterwise question with solved papers

Who are all training for jee exam. This PDF will help

1.Mathematics chapterwise topic wise MCQ with solved paper

2.Chemistry chapterwise topicwise MCQ with solved paper

3.physics chapterwise topicwise MCQ with solved paper

Sunday 12 July 2020


 Get Clarity About Nuclei in one read

   In section we are discuss about atomic model. These are played a vital role to understand about the structure of atom.
In this section we learn about Nuclei structure and properties.

Composition of nuclei:
  1.   Atoms consists of nucleus surrounded by electrons
  2. Nucleus contain proton and neutron in combined form
  3. The positively charged particle is called proton
  4. The electrically neutral particle is called neutron
  5. The two constituents of nucleus namely protons and neutrons are collectively called nucleons.     
To specify the nucleus of any element. We use this general notation


    X- Chemical symbol of the

Mass number:
                              The total number of proton and neutron in the nucleus is called mass number. It is denoted as'A'.


Atomic number:
                                The total number of proton in the nucleus is called atomic number. It is denoted as 'Z'.

Neutron number:
                                    The number of neutron in the nucleus is called neutron number. It is denoted as 'N'.

Carbon nucleus is represented by
It is implies that carbon contain 12 nucleons of which 6 are proton and 6 are neutron.

Nucleus is made up of positively charged proton and neutron. The overall charge of nucleus is +Ze, but the atom is electrically neutral, it is implies that the number of proton in nucleus is equal to number of electron in atom.

Before we learn about atomic mass. We need understand about mass.
Mass is the property that measures the amount of matter in the body . SI unit of mass is kg- kilogram or resistance to change its state of motion( acceleration).

Atomic mass
  1. The mass of atom is very small when expressed in SI unit(kg). Therefore ,it is more convenient to express it in terms of another unit namely, the atomic mass unit. 
  2. The mass of an atom is expressed in unified atomic mass/ atomic mass unit/ Dalton
  3. One atomic mass unit is approximately equal to mass of proton don't also the mass of neutron  

       1amu ~ mass of proton                                          1amu ~ mass of neutron

  Atomic mass unit:
                                         It is defined as 1/12 of the the mass of the the isotope of carbon-12.
     1amu= mass of carbon-12 atom
1 mole of carbon-12 atom=12g/mole

6.023×10²³ of carbon-12  atom= 12g/mole

Mass of one carbon-12 atom=  12/6.023×10²³

                 1amu = 1 ×  12           
                                12 × 6.023×10²³

                  1amu=         1                                                                        6.023×10²³

                  1amu=         1         
                               Avogadro number                                
                   1amu= 1.660×10⁻²⁴g

Relative atomic mass:
                                       It is is defined as the ratio of the the average atomic mass factor to the the unified atomic mass unit.

Relative atomic mass
    (Aα΅£)                           = average mass of atom
                                          Unified atomic mass

EXAMPLE: relative atomic mass of the hydrogen
= average mass of hydrogen
   Unified atomic mass

  =  1.6735×10⁻²⁷kg


Friday 3 July 2020

Atomic model

1. Dalton atomic model:
  • Extremely small particles called atom
  • Atoms combine to form a molecule.
  • Atoms are indivisible.

  • Mass of electron is1/1837 times the mass of 
  •  Mass of proton=1.0072amu.                                              

2. Thomas atomic model:
  • In this model ,the atoms are visualised as homogeneous sphere which contain uniform distribution of positively charged particles.
  • The negatively charged particles known as electrons are embedded in it like seeds in watermelon.
  • The atoms are electrically neutral this implies that the total positive charge in atom is equal to total negative charge.
  • According to this mo⁶del ,all the charges are assumed to be rest


From classical electrodynamics,no stable equilibrium points exist in electrostatic configuration and hence such atom cannot to stable. 

3.Rutherford model:


  • The source of Alpha particle is kept inside the thick lead Box with the fine hole.
  • The Alpha particles coming through the fine hole of lead box pass through another fine hole made on the lead screen.
  • These particles are allowed to fall on a thin gold foil and it is observed that the Alpha particles passing through gold foil are scattered through different angles.
  • The Movable screen which is made up of zinc sulfide is kept on the other side of the gold foil to collect the Alpha particles.
  • Whenever Alpha particles strike the screen ,flash of light is observed which can be seen through a microscope.

  • Most of the Alpha particles are undeflected through the gold foil and went straight. 
  • Some of the Alpha particles are deflected through a small angle.
  • A few Alpha particles are deflected through the angle more than 90 degree
  • Very few Alpha particle returned back that is deflected back by180 degree.

On the basis of Rutherford experiment,

Rutherford proposed,

  • The atom is most empty space.
  • The nucleus is positively charged.
  • The nucleus carries most of the atomic mass.
  • The radius of nucleus is directly proportional to the number of nucleons.
  • The volume of atom is 10^15 times the volume of nucleus.


  • Could not explain the stability of atom.
  • The electron losses its energy continuously and fall into the nucleus.
  • The observed spectrum should be continuous but the spectrum obtained is discrete.

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