Friday 3 July 2020

Atomic model

1. Dalton atomic model:
  • Extremely small particles called atom
  • Atoms combine to form a molecule.
  • Atoms are indivisible.

  • Mass of electron is1/1837 times the mass of 
  •  Mass of proton=1.0072amu.                                              

2. Thomas atomic model:
  • In this model ,the atoms are visualised as homogeneous sphere which contain uniform distribution of positively charged particles.
  • The negatively charged particles known as electrons are embedded in it like seeds in watermelon.
  • The atoms are electrically neutral this implies that the total positive charge in atom is equal to total negative charge.
  • According to this mo⁶del ,all the charges are assumed to be rest


From classical electrodynamics,no stable equilibrium points exist in electrostatic configuration and hence such atom cannot to stable. 

3.Rutherford model:


  • The source of Alpha particle is kept inside the thick lead Box with the fine hole.
  • The Alpha particles coming through the fine hole of lead box pass through another fine hole made on the lead screen.
  • These particles are allowed to fall on a thin gold foil and it is observed that the Alpha particles passing through gold foil are scattered through different angles.
  • The Movable screen which is made up of zinc sulfide is kept on the other side of the gold foil to collect the Alpha particles.
  • Whenever Alpha particles strike the screen ,flash of light is observed which can be seen through a microscope.

  • Most of the Alpha particles are undeflected through the gold foil and went straight. 
  • Some of the Alpha particles are deflected through a small angle.
  • A few Alpha particles are deflected through the angle more than 90 degree
  • Very few Alpha particle returned back that is deflected back by180 degree.

On the basis of Rutherford experiment,

Rutherford proposed,

  • The atom is most empty space.
  • The nucleus is positively charged.
  • The nucleus carries most of the atomic mass.
  • The radius of nucleus is directly proportional to the number of nucleons.
  • The volume of atom is 10^15 times the volume of nucleus.


  • Could not explain the stability of atom.
  • The electron losses its energy continuously and fall into the nucleus.
  • The observed spectrum should be continuous but the spectrum obtained is discrete.

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