Tuesday 30 June 2020

The Marvelous Scientist: Nikola Tesla

The  Marvelous  scientist:  Nicola  Tesla

          Name:  Nicola  Tesla  
          Birth: 10 July  1856
          Death: 7 January  1943
          Country: US(United  states)
     Field: Mechanical and electrical  
   engineering (INVENTOR).

     Awards: IEEE Edison Medal(1916), John Scott legacy Medal, Elliott crosson Medal  etc.
DETAILS: This Serbian born scientist  atop list because of his immense  knowledge in different field of science and technology. Without a question, this 1856 born guy was a cool geek. He could speak 8 language,recite a whole book complete by reading just one  time.Make a device  just  by seeing it once and not writing anything.

The funny  fact about him was that he celibate his whole life. 

Works:tesla had developed almost everything by him and did not expose any of it which  later was invented by other scientist in this time. Tesla generator AC current before Edison knew about charges. Markoni who got Nobel Prize for inventing radio used all idea of Tesla. X-ray by roentgen, radar by Watsonwatt were all device by Nikola Tesla.

Book: the invention: autobiography of Nikola Tesla, fantastic invention of Tesla , the problem of increasing human energy.

Invention: AC current, Tesla coil, Tesla oscillator, AC motor, teleforce, Tesla turbine, Arc lamp, Tesla supercharger etc

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